<aside> 💡 The “time_freq_support_provider” operator provides an analysis' temporal or frequential domain description. For a transient analysis all the time sets cumulatives indeces with their times are described. For a harmonic analysis, the real and imaginary frequencies, the RPMs, the load steps are described.



Document it

The specification allows to document each operator. For consistency, the specification can be used through different reader plugins.

struct CustomTimeFreqSupportProvider
		// TO DO: rename "custom_solver" to the real solver name and "custom_extension" to the real file extension
		static std::string name() { return "custom_solver::custom_extension::time_freq_support_provider"; }

		static void run(ansys::dpf::OperatorMain& main);

		static ansys::dpf::OperatorSpecification specification()
			ansys::dpf::OperatorSpecification spec;
			spec.setDocumentation("Read the time freq support from result streams.");
						.setAcceptedTypes({ ansys::dpf::types::streams })
						.setDoc("streams (result file container) (optional)").setOptional(true),
						.setAcceptedTypes({ ansys::dpf::types::data_sources })
						.setDoc("if the stream is null then we need to get the file path from the data sources"),

						.setAcceptedTypes({ ansys::dpf::types::time_freq_support })

			spec.setProperty(ansys::dpf::spec::exposure::sExposure, ansys::dpf::spec::exposure::sPrivate);

			return spec;


For the "run" method implementation, refer to here:

For a template enabling to fill a TimeFreqSupport from a Stream, refer to: