<aside> 💡 Allows to read a mesh as a mesh region or as a meshes container. Implement either the “mesh_provider” operator or the “meshes_provider” operator. The “meshes_provider” operator allows to describe varying mesh (for example: time varying mesh)
The specification allows to document each operator. For consistency, the specification can be used through different reader plugins.
struct CustomMeshProvider
// TO DO: rename "custom_solver" to the real solver name and "custom_extension" to the real file extension
static std::string name() { return "custom_solver::custom_extension::mesh_provider"; }
static void run(ansys::dpf::OperatorMain& main);
static ansys::dpf::OperatorSpecification specification()
ansys::dpf::OperatorSpecification spec;
spec.setDocumentation("Read a mesh from result streams.");
.setAcceptedTypes({ ansys::dpf::types::streams })
.setDoc("result file container allowed to be kept open to cache data")
.setAcceptedTypes({ ansys::dpf::types::data_sources })
.setDoc("result file path container, used if no streams are set"),
//for adaptive meshes
.setAcceptedTypes({ ansys::dpf::types::integer })
.setDoc("time/freq set id required in output")
.setAcceptedTypes({ ansys::dpf::types::meshed_region })
.setDoc("meshed region"),
spec.setProperty(ansys::dpf::spec::exposure::sExposure, ansys::dpf::spec::exposure::sPrivate);
return spec;
For the "run" method implementation, refer to here:
For a template enabling to fill a MeshedRegion from a Stream, refer to:
The Mesh or as called in DPF the MeshedRegion has a very simple API allowing to build a mesh from scratch with these 3 methods:
ansys::dpf::MeshedRegion mesh;
mesh.prepareConstruction(num_nodes, num_elements);
mesh.addNode(node_id, coordinates);
mesh.addElement(element_type, element_id, nodes_indexes_connectivity);
The specification allows to document each operator. For consistency, the specification can be used through different reader plugins.
struct CustomMeshesProvider
// TO DO: rename "custom_solver" to the real solver name and "custom_extension" to the real file extension
static std::string name() { return "custom_solver::custom_extension::meshes_provider"; }
static void run(ansys::dpf::OperatorMain& main);
static ansys::dpf::OperatorSpecification specification()
ansys::dpf::OperatorSpecification spec;
spec.setDocumentation("Read meshes from result streams. Meshes can be spatially or temporally varying.");
.setAcceptedTypes({ ansys::dpf::types::streams })
.setDoc("result file container allowed to be kept open to cache data")
.setAcceptedTypes({ ansys::dpf::types::data_sources })
.setDoc("result file path container, used if no streams are set"),
//for adaptive meshes
.setAcceptedTypes({ ansys::dpf::types::intVector, ansys::dpf::types::scoping })
.setDoc("time/freq set ids required in output")
ansys::dpf::PinDefinition(0).setName("meshes").setAcceptedTypes({ ansys::dpf::types::meshes_container }).setDoc("meshes container"),
spec.setProperty(ansys::dpf::spec::exposure::sExposure, ansys::dpf::spec::exposure::sPrivate);
return spec;